Monday, May 15, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

Have you been watching the weather reports for the Northeast?

Rising waters. Roads underwater everywhere. Streets closed. Ponds overflowing. Rivers raging. School and business cancellations. Flooding. Cars submerged. Dams on the verge of bursting. Evacuations. Mudslides. Fear.

This is our news today here in southern NH. We've gotten anywhere from 5-15 inches of rain in the past few days. Thanks be to God no one has gotten hurt in this deluge and hopefully people will continue to be cautious as the waters begin to subside later in the week. I think everyone remembers what happened in the western part of our state last year when there were several tragedies due to flood conditions.

I've never seen anything like this. Many towns are in a state of emergency. Hundreds of roads around the state have been shut down. Several roads in our own town are closed off this morning, including ours. We have a couple of streams that run through the upper and lower sections of the road. Both have risen up over the street. I hope the homes in the immediate area are safe. Our basement is wet with about a half an inch of water but thankfully our sump pump is working constantly, and I do mean constantly, to keep it at a low level. I'm grateful that our electricity has not gone out since we have no means of backup power like a generator.

The worst we've experienced is the water in the basement but as I watch the scenes displayed on the news of our little corner of the world, I see loss and heartbreak as people leave their homes and most of their worldly possessions at the mercy of the elements. Please pray for this area as you are led. I will post later with updates and hopefully some photos.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your neighbors during these days of storm and rising waters.

I wrote several posts of the flooding this spring in the eastern part of the state. I also witnessed the Flood of 97 when Grand Forks was overwhelmed by the rising waters so I have some idea what people are going thru.

Trust God, trust God, trust God!!!!

8:32 AM  
Blogger Leslie said...

I'm glad you're safe and sound. I hope your electric power continues uninterrupted, and that your community comes through without major difficulties.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Lynn Bartlett said...

Hi Emily, Jim's folks sent us photos of what is happening at their home just outside of Gilmanton Iron Works; the house is close to the lake shore and their crawl space is filling with water in spite of having the sump pump running continually. Hopefully the rain will end soon. We are praying for you.

9:40 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and concern.

I remember your posts on the flooding in ND. It's such a frightening experience to be at the mercy of the elements. I have an almost unreasonable fear of water, don't know why. Times like these are certainly a test for me. Indeed, we can do no better than to trust God.

Thank you! We were blessed to have no power outages. Locally, things appear to be under control, although in other towns there are emergency situations. I was so glad to have several days worth of food in the house as I did not care to venture out and risk any unnecessary danger.

Thank you for praying. As Steven said, we must trust in the Lord who is our true deliverer. He is faithful and merciful. It's definitely during trials that we grow closer to Him.

I hope all is well with Jim's folks up there and that they get dried out without too much damage. We're finding out all the faults with our old dwelling place, but better now than later on. I'm thankful we don't live near a large body of water.

4:55 PM  

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