A Rose By Any Other Name.....
To call her the Terrorist Baby seems unfair in this picturesque pose, so allow me to introduce my daughter Anna-Rose, a name given to her by the Lord at the moment of her birth, but that is a story for another time.
All week I've been experiencing a case of the winter doldrums that seem to strike about this time every year. It doesn't help that the weather has been so fickle, taunting us with hints of spring only to dump another half a foot of snow on our foolish schemes. It therefore seemed fitting that I should treat myself - and anyone else who stops by - for a sample of what is slumbering beneath the soil in our yard. The Lord has truly blessed me with my dream of dreams in leading us to this home. We first viewed the house in August of last summer when many of the blooms had already passed. Anna-Rose is inhaling the sweet scent of white phlox in this photo while behind her stands Bee Balm, also called Monarda. It has a spicy aroma not unlike oregano to my thinking. The yellow flowers are Black-Eyed Susans which grow in proliferation around the house and back yard. Spring and summer's coming attractions include:
Day Lilies
Bearded Iris (all around the barn!)
Roses (pink!)
Sweet Peas
Lilies of the Valley (delicious perfume)
White Coneflower (Echinacea!)
Add to this vision row upon row of lilacs in every imaginable color - a heavenly parade down both sides of the back lawn with one huge bush smack dab in the center! Somebody pinch me!
Somewhere in the midst of this lovely garden of tranquility, farm life will be taking place. Vegetables and herbs will be planted, chickens will roam, goats will frolic, and God's creation will flourish. Being a practical sort, I can almost envision the future with my flowers being eaten by chickens and trampled by goats and vice versa! I suppose it will make for an interesting blog at any rate! Stay tuned for further developments.